Our Representatives​

D. Mark Gooding

New York
Senior Managing Director


  • Municipal Advisor Representative
  • Municipal Securities Representative
  • B.A. – Economics from Ohio Wesleyan University
  • M.B.A – Finance from State University of New York at Albany

Mark Gooding, Senior Managing Director, joined Estrada Hinojosa’s New York Office in 2019 with 33 years of public finance experience. Mr. Gooding currently works with Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Florida issuers. Prior to joining Estrada Hinojosa Mr. Gooding was a shareholder and Senior Managing Director of Public Resources Advisory Group (PRAG).

He served as Project Manager for a number of large clients in the North East and South East including Anne Arundel County Maryland, State of Connecticut, District of Columbia, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State of New Jersey, Piedmont Power, and the City of Atlanta.  Mr. Gooding is experienced with airport financings including airport parking garages and consolidated rental car facilities, general obligation, power, transportation, tobacco securitization and water and sewer financings. He holds Series 50 and 52 licenses from FINRA.

He assisted clients structure and price tax exempt and taxable new money and refunding issues and with LOC backed variable rate financings and direct placements. Mr. Gooding assisted clients with investments; managed debt service reserve, debt service fund, escrow and construction fund investments including bids for securities and collateralized investment agreements.

In addition, Mr. Gooding worked at Lamont Financial Services where he worked with clients in the North East.  Mr. Gooding worked at the New Jersey Treasurer’s Office where he served as issuer for the State’s General Obligation Bonds, Certificates of Participation, Transportation Trust Fund, and the New Jersey Environmental Trust bonds.